Nov 18, 2010

Discover the Career of Your Personality

At least, there are 6 types of human personality as mentioned in the theory of John Holland. Namely Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Enterprising and Conventional.
1. Realistic type is described as a person who has the skill to work with machinery, tools or animals. Generally avoids social activities like teaching, healing and counseling. People with this personality type usually see themselves as being practical, mechanical, and unrealistic. Examples of work in this sphere is the engineer, pilot or police officer.2. Investigative types are described as people who liked and good at solving problems. They usually avoid work that is to lead, sell or memersuasi others. This type of saw himself as a precise, scientific and intellectual. For example chemist, dentist, physician, mathematician.
3. Artistic types like to do art activities, drama, ambidexterity, writing literature. Generally, this type of activity to avoid the routine, repetitive and work that is highly ordered. This type of person who sees himself as expressive, original and independent. For example, clothing designers, dancers, composers, book editor, and graphic designer.
4. Social types like helping others and good at doing activities such as teaching, counseling, caring for or giving information. They usually avoid work-related machinery, equipment or animals to achieve a purpose. This type of person who sees himself as a helpful, friendly and trustworthy. For example teachers, counselors, nurses, social workers.
5. Enterprising types like to lead, influence others and sell ideas. Generally avoid activities that require in-depth observation and analytical thinking. This type of person who sees himself as an energetic, ambitious and able to socialize. For example, sales, real estate agents, lawyers, judges, the hotel manager.
6. Conventional types prefer working with numbers, files and all that serbateratur. Avoiding activities that are not structured and "unclear". This type of saw himself as a person who regularly and follow a standard system. For example, secretaries, bank tellers.
Well, what type of personality that fits you?


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